Thursday, March 19, 2009
Making more sense
The gunshot seemed to have told us so
We started running our respective run
We were all running the marathon.
Started off the blocks, from the word 'Go'
Rules of the race kept changing though
Laps got added as I ran
Behind me was not a single man.
Running on this track I was the master
But everyone seemed so much faster
Running around was so much ease
But why is everyone ahead please?
High time, I thought, I raised my gear
To a level no one else could bear
But why cannot I go for the kill
Oh am I not running the treadmill!
Woken up thankfully from my dream
On this message light threw its beam
If there's something to make more sense
Only change the frame of your reference.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Profound Babble
Happy without any hesitation,
Drenched in the rain waited for a train
Always so late at the station,
Times were then slow, oh so mellow
There wasn't a News caused sensation.
Lives now differ, the clocks seem stiffer
That something has caught my attention,
Running a race, getting further into a maze
Now the favoured occupation,
Crime and War, and binging at the bar
Seems to be the state of every nation.
Pondering the case, dizzied by the pace
I sought a doctor's prescription
The doctor's advice, stop running like the mice
You only need bit relaxation
Take the chill pill and pay up the bill
Just forget you had an affliction.
Why pay the bill, doctor making a kill
Is there any justification,
Pay up and you leave, hurry, patients I receive
I am in no better situation,
A costly medicine, but went home with a grin
Impatience wasn't it my creation.
The lines that I write, let make your day so bright,
Else the poem has no rhyme or reason
Written entirely in a lighter vein. Not meant to mean much. Thanks for reading through.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Takes Three to Samba
There are forms of dance I have perfected. Did I say 'forms'? I meant one form; I am talking of Bhangra here; the one dance I can dance to perfection, with two hands raised high up in air and kicking one of my feet upwards to see which of these limbs reaches the highest. I mean no offence to my Punjabi friends, but this is my version of Bhangra; perfected with a fractured leg years back. I am an excellent dancer of this version, just a notch better than my good 'old' friend Shoubhik from my B-school days, who would have both his hands and feet reaching up in the air every time he danced. (Name changed to protect his identity, commercial interests, brand value, and most of all to protect the comments page on this blog from his feared PJs). If this description of my dancing abilities was not enough, you only need to go back to read the title of this piece to know how well versed I am with any form of dance.
So, what business do I have writing about dance, of all things, and earning a few Brazilian and Punjabi 'friends', of all people. You got me all wrong....This is not about dance, this is about kompatibility!!!
You read it right! K.O.M.P.A.T.I.B.I.L.I.T.Y.! My Dubya spel cheque says I can at least spell the word write, if not right about it.
Having read about my dancing capabilities, I do not think you would much be interested in reading a junkful paragraph on my relationship credentials. Neither would I want you to know much about it, especially if you happen to be my wife reading this piece. So, let us skip that stuff, and move along with what I have to say about the topic.
What I present here is a formula for compatibility, not just marital (read martial), but for any kind of a team (and I am serious here). To keep it simple I restrict this formula to a 2 member team, but you could complicate and extrapolate it to a team of any size, particularly if the team achieves nothing, and you do not have Dilbert strips at your disposal to troubleshoot.
Please bear with me and accept my sympathies if you have a mathematical bent of mind and find it easy to see logic in any formulae, equations or numbers. I could at best offer help to explain what follows, though I am not too sure you will understand. For others, tadaan tadaan.....
As per Sagar's only law of compatibility,
C = A*B*CosP,
Driving and the Driven Force ('A' and 'B')
I know we are all driven by circumstances more than anything else, but there are times when a fellow team mate (usually your spouse or boss) could kick your rear side to launch you in an orbital path. This is what is the driving force 'A'. This usually comes as a threat, but depending on how positively you perceive it, this could also be termed inspiration. When you are faced by a question like 'What lunch?' (at home),'What raise?' (at work), you know it is the inspirational force 'A'.
Then, there is the driven force 'B', which is a direct measure of your capability (like hunger, desperation), not necessarily proportional to the extent of threat or inspiration from 'A'.
The most crucial parameter 'P'
While forces 'A' and 'B' are both equally important, the phase difference is the most critical of these. Assuming an unchangeable 'A' and 'B' (since we are what we are), it is 'P' that determines how well tuned the members of a team are to one another. 'P' is representative of timing of transactions, more than anything else.
Measured on an angular scale, P varies from 0 to 90 degrees, with 0 the best response and 90 the worst.
To refresh a bit of math, Cos0 = 1 and Cos90 = 0, with intermediate values for intermediate angles.
What the equation (C=A*B*CosP) means then, is that assuming finite potential for each member of a team, the team is the most effective when its members are well tuned to each other. Similarly, irrespective of having the best talent on the team, the net result can be zero (if not negative) if the members are not tuned to each other.
Well, It does take two to tango.
P.S.: Having presented this profound theory of compatibility that, I hope can miraculously change the way you have looked or not looked at relationships, I am on my way to Oslo for the peace prize this year.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Moving on.....
Cryptic writing forces one to imagine what is being read. There are interpretations galore depending on the reader's mindset and his/her perceptions of the writer. How much ever fun it could be, one also runs the risk of straying far from the intended message. My intention in the last post wasn't to keep the message ambiguous, but to tickle the reader's mind, and at the same time not sound too opinionated. I was also trying to use myself as the prop to speak for the species I belong. 'Look within' they say; well, I was attempting just that. Here I attempt just the opposite - pointing fingers and wanting to be precise. Heavy stuff as this too may sound, please bear with me.
I claim no expertise in the history of world politics or in the current geo-political situation, and have no desire to take sides between, or be judgemental about, Israel and Palestine. Each of them has its own insecurities and injustices to contend with, and its own justification for its actions. None of them though, justifies the mindless slaughtering of the last few weeks, of civilians in Gaza. With no routes to escape, and with the constant flow of rockets and missiles, death was an inevitable destiny for them. When the world needed to stand as one in abhorring the crime and those who caused and provoked it, sadly the reaction was a show of hypocrisy at its best, led by the uncharacteristic silence of none other than the US, and another failure for the United Nations in intervention. Goes beyond my imagination how the innocent lives of one country become more valuable than those of another; they are all people at the end of it, aren't they?
History is replete with examples of injustices, and in wishing to set few of them right, mankind is not doing any favour to itself. By wanting to play God, we are creating more injustices, pulling ourselves into a time warp that will only end in our extermination. In the interest of mankind, and in the interest of the people living in the present, we need to learn to move on, and strive to make the present world any better than what it was in the past.
It was this thought, along with the religious explanations for killing your own kind, that was playing hard on my mind, in my previous post.
Having explained myself and my cryptic post, it is time for me to move on as well, into other topics of interest and relevance. Stay with me dear readers, and please do leave your comments for what you think of my writing.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I Thought, Therefore I Was
Don't know where it all started - some say I have always been there, and some say I was created and dropped here. And then there are a few who think I straightened up on my twos while jumping around on trees plucking fruits, and got my tail chopped and my brains sharpened in the process. Well, one truth prevails, I was different from any thing else that had walked, swum or flew on this planet. I was different that I could think, or so I thought. And I being superior of all, had this onerous task of demistifying life for the rest of the lesser mortals.
I do not remember my origins; there must be a higher force that created me, for I did not have it in my control to create life. In fact, was there anything ever that I could control? The thunder, the lightning, the rain, the fire, the day, the night, there had to be an explanation for it all. I realized how helpless I was and how ignorant. I should have known, since I was the one with brains. I could not see my own ignorance in its face, and so I covered it up by creating the term God; the one being, the one higher force I could associate it all to, and find solace in, and still feel in control, for I created Him.
There was one problem though, I was only a smaller part of MYSELF. There were other parts, each of them with its own explanation of life, and its own definition of God. How could my beliefs ever be true if not the whole of me accepted it? I was prepared to go to any extent to make my beliefs accepted as True. But so was everyone else.
I started to be at discomfort with myself. If I could not convince the whole of me, it probably made sense to make myself the Whole, and with this thought I took to the path of destruction, of eradicating those parts that did not agree with me. What I did not realize though, was that those I had undertaken to eradicate were as much a part of the Whole as I was, and the 'I' would not exist without any of these. In effect, I had become self destructive.
Today I am in no position to explain life, and bereft of it, I am in no position to explain the lack of it either. For all my thought and imagination, between life and death, I still remain as ignorant and unaware as I had begun. If anything, it was my thoughtless imagination that led me from a Being into a Been.
I thought therefore I was.