Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Takes Three to Samba

I am a dance aficionado. Don't get misled by the word; I am not another rising Brazilian soccer star in the horizon, preparing to crash my 2 days old, quid 200,000 Ferrari, walking away unscathed from it, only to replace it with a quid 350,000 Rolls. On the contrary, I cannot even afford crashing a 2 decade old INR 2,000 Bajaj Chetak scooter without having to face up with the consequences. No no.... this does not have to do with football at all. Its all about Salsa, as the title suggests; and I am a dance aficionado.

There are forms of dance I have perfected. Did I say 'forms'? I meant one form; I am talking of Bhangra here; the one dance I can dance to perfection, with two hands raised high up in air and kicking one of my feet upwards to see which of these limbs reaches the highest. I mean no offence to my Punjabi friends, but this is my version of Bhangra; perfected with a fractured leg years back. I am an excellent dancer of this version, just a notch better than my good 'old' friend Shoubhik from my B-school days, who would have both his hands and feet reaching up in the air every time he danced. (Name changed to protect his identity, commercial interests, brand value, and most of all to protect the comments page on this blog from his feared PJs). If this description of my dancing abilities was not enough, you only need to go back to read the title of this piece to know how well versed I am with any form of dance.

So, what business do I have writing about dance, of all things, and earning a few Brazilian and Punjabi 'friends', of all people. You got me all wrong....This is not about dance, this is about kompatibility!!!

You read it right! K.O.M.P.A.T.I.B.I.L.I.T.Y.! My Dubya spel cheque says I can at least spell the word write, if not right about it.

Having read about my dancing capabilities, I do not think you would much be interested in reading a junkful paragraph on my relationship credentials. Neither would I want you to know much about it, especially if you happen to be my wife reading this piece. So, let us skip that stuff, and move along with what I have to say about the topic.

What I present here is a formula for compatibility, not just marital (read martial), but for any kind of a team (and I am serious here). To keep it simple I restrict this formula to a 2 member team, but you could complicate and extrapolate it to a team of any size, particularly if the team achieves nothing, and you do not have Dilbert strips at your disposal to troubleshoot.

Please bear with me and accept my sympathies if you have a mathematical bent of mind and find it easy to see logic in any formulae, equations or numbers. I could at best offer help to explain what follows, though I am not too sure you will understand. For others, tadaan tadaan.....

As per Sagar's only law of compatibility,

C = A*B*CosP,

where 'C' is the effectiveness of a relationship. The parameters 'A' and 'B' are respectively the driving force and the driven force. 'P', the most crucial of them, and the most difficult to ascertain, is the Phase difference between the team members. Let me explain further (please, please, please....)

Driving and the Driven Force ('A' and 'B')
I know we are all driven by circumstances more than anything else, but there are times when a fellow team mate (usually your spouse or boss) could kick your rear side to launch you in an orbital path. This is what is the driving force 'A'. This usually comes as a threat, but depending on how positively you perceive it, this could also be termed inspiration. When you are faced by a question like 'What lunch?' (at home),'What raise?' (at work), you know it is the inspirational force 'A'.

Then, there is the driven force 'B', which is a direct measure of your capability (like hunger, desperation), not necessarily proportional to the extent of threat or inspiration from 'A'.

The most crucial parameter 'P'
While forces 'A' and 'B' are both equally important, the phase difference is the most critical of these. Assuming an unchangeable 'A' and 'B' (since we are what we are), it is 'P' that determines how well tuned the members of a team are to one another. 'P' is representative of timing of transactions, more than anything else.

Measured on an angular scale, P varies from 0 to 90 degrees, with 0 the best response and 90 the worst.

To refresh a bit of math, Cos0 = 1 and Cos90 = 0, with intermediate values for intermediate angles.

What the equation (C=A*B*CosP) means then, is that assuming finite potential for each member of a team, the team is the most effective when its members are well tuned to each other. Similarly, irrespective of having the best talent on the team, the net result can be zero (if not negative) if the members are not tuned to each other.

Well, It does take two to tango.

P.S.: Having presented this profound theory of compatibility that, I hope can miraculously change the way you have looked or not looked at relationships, I am on my way to Oslo for the peace prize this year.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Loved the write up - makes the theory less threatening or is it more inspirational ;)

dilip said...

hahaha..."Sagar's only law of compatibility!!!" OMG!!!
After nearly 3 decades of existence a profound patentable idea indeed!!
The next time i dance will put this formula to use...;)

Anonymous said...

great post Sagar :) to all those who are reading this post i would like to vouch for whatever Sagar has said about his dancing skills (?)